const MAXSZ=100; MAXBLOCKS=40;
type LineDescript=record N:byte; bl_len:array[1..MAXBLOCKS] of byte; end; PAByte=^AByte; AByte=array[1..MAXSZ*MAXSZ] of byte;
var pict:array[1..MAXSZ,1..MAXSZ] of byte; Lines:array[boolean,1..MAXSZ] of LineDescript; need_refresh:array[boolean,1..MAXSZ] of boolean; cells:array[-1..MAXSZ] of byte; can_one:array[-1..MAXSZ] of boolean; can_zero:array[-1..MAXSZ] of boolean; bl_len:array[0..MAXBLOCKS] of byte; tb_res:array[1..MAXBLOCKS,1..MAXSZ] of shortint; XSz,YSz:byte; sol_found:boolean; fout:text; ErrorLevel:byte;
procedure Init; var fv:text; i,j:byte; Begin assign(fv,'japan.dat'); reset(fv); readln(fv,YSz); for i:=1 to YSz do begin read(fv,Lines[true,i].N); for j:=1 to Lines[true,i].N do read(fv,Lines[true,i].bl_len[j]); need_refresh[true,i]:=true; readln(fv); end; readln(fv,XSz); for i:=1 to XSz do begin read(fv,Lines[false,i].N); for j:=1 to Lines[false,i].N do read(fv,Lines[false,i].bl_len[j]); need_refresh[false,i]:=true; readln(fv); end; close(fv); for j:=1 to YSz do for i:=1 to XSz do pict[j,i]:=2; sol_found:=false; assign(fout,'japan.sol'); rewrite(fout); End;
procedure AnalyzeLine(kind:boolean;number:byte); var bl_len:array[0..MAXSZ] of byte; N,L:byte; function TryBlock(theblock,thestart:shortint):boolean; var i,startnext:shortint; res:boolean; Begin if (theblock>0) and (tb_res[theblock,thestart]<>-1) then begin TryBlock:=(tb_res[theblock,thestart]=1); exit end; for i:=thestart to thestart+bl_len[theblock]-1 do if cells[i]=0 then begin tb_res[theblock,thestart]:=0; TryBlock:=false; exit end; if theblock res:=false; for startnext:=thestart+bl_len[theblock]+1 to L-bl_len[theblock+1]+1 do begin if cells[startnext-1]=1 then break; if TryBlock(theblock+1,startnext) then begin res:=true; for i:=thestart to thestart+bl_len[theblock]-1 do can_one[i]:=true; for i:=thestart+bl_len[theblock] to startnext-1 do can_zero[i]:=true; end; end; TryBlock:=res end else begin (* theblock = N *) for i:=thestart+bl_len[theblock] to L do if cells[i]=1 then begin TryBlock:=false; exit end; for i:=thestart to thestart+bl_len[theblock]-1 do can_one[i]:=true; for i:=thestart+bl_len[theblock] to L do can_zero[i]:=true; TryBlock:=true end End; var i,j:byte; Begin need_refresh[kind,number]:=false; if kind then L:=XSz else L:=YSz; cells[-1]:=1; cells[0]:=0; if kind then for i:=1 to L do cells[i]:=pict[number,i] else for i:=1 to L do cells[i]:=pict[i,number]; for i:=1 to L do begin can_one[i]:=false; can_zero[i]:=false end; N:=Lines[kind,number].N; bl_len[0]:=1; for i:=1 to N do bl_len[i]:=Lines[kind,number].bl_len[i]; for i:=1 to N do for j:=1 to L do tb_res[i,j]:=-1; if TryBlock(0,-1) then begin for i:=1 to L do if (cells[i]=2) and (can_one[i] xor can_zero[i]) then begin need_refresh[not kind,i]:=true; if can_one[i] then cells[i]:=1 else cells[i]:=0; if kind then pict[number,i]:=cells[i] else pict[i,number]:=cells[i]; end; end else ErrorLevel:=1; End;
procedure IterateLineLook; var i:byte; sl:boolean; Begin repeat sl:=false; for i:=1 to YSz do if need_refresh[true,i] then begin AnalyzeLine(true,i); sl:=true; end; for i:=1 to XSz do if need_refresh[false,i] then begin AnalyzeLine(false,i); sl:=true; end; until not sl; End;
procedure OutputSolution; var i,j:byte; Begin if sol_found then writeln(fout,''); sol_found:=true; for j:=1 to YSz do begin for i:=1 to XSz do if pict[j,i]=1 then write(fout,'*') else write(fout,'.'); writeln(fout); end; End;
procedure Try(y,x:byte); var i,j,i_,j_:byte; p:PAByte; Begin ErrorLevel:=0; IterateLineLook; if ErrorLevel<>0 then exit; j:=y; i:=x; while (j<=Ysz) and (pict[j,i]<>2) do if i=XSz then begin i:=1; j:=j+1 end else i:=i+1; if j>YSz then (*- ©??-R аR?'пR?*) OutputSolution else begin (*?Rваi?-R ?аR?г? вЁ*) GetMem(p,XSz*YSz); for j_:=1 to YSz do for i_:=1 to XSz do p^[XSz*(j_-1)+i_]:=pict[j_,i_]; pict[j,i]:=0; need_refresh[true,j]:=true; need_refresh[false,i]:=true; Try(j,i); for j_:=1 to YSz do for i_:=1 to XSz do pict[j_,i_]:=p^[XSz*(j_-1)+i_]; FreeMem(p,XSz*YSz); pict[j,i]:=1; need_refresh[true,j]:=true; need_refresh[false,i]:=true; Try(j,i); end; End;
BEGIN Init; Try(1,1); if sol_found then writeln(fout,'') else writeln(fout,''); close(fout); END.
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