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Окружность по трем точкам 2D - Программирование от RIN.RU
Окружность по трем точкам 2D


// Circle.cpp: implementation of the Circle class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MediSurf.h"
#include "Circle.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction

this->m_dRadius=-1; // error checking



Circle::Circle(Point *V1, Point *V2, Point *V3)
this->m_dRadius=-1; // error checking

Point *pt1=new Point; Point *pt2=new Point; Point *pt3=new Point;

pt1->Copy(V1); pt2->Copy(V2); pt3->Copy(V3);

if (!this->IsPerpendicular(pt1, pt2, pt3) ) this->CalcCircle(pt1, pt2, pt3);
else if (!this->IsPerpendicular(pt1, pt3, pt2) ) this->CalcCircle(pt1, pt3, pt2);
else if (!this->IsPerpendicular(pt2, pt1, pt3) ) this->CalcCircle(pt2, pt1, pt3);
else if (!this->IsPerpendicular(pt2, pt3, pt1) ) this->CalcCircle(pt2, pt3, pt1);
else if (!this->IsPerpendicular(pt3, pt2, pt1) ) this->CalcCircle(pt3, pt2, pt1);
else if (!this->IsPerpendicular(pt3, pt1, pt2) ) this->CalcCircle(pt3, pt1, pt2);
else {
TRACE("\nThe three pts are perpendicular to axis\n");
// pt1->trace(); pt2->trace(); pt3->trace();
delete pt1; delete pt2; delete pt3;
return ;
delete pt1; delete pt2; delete pt3;


bool Circle::IsPerpendicular(Point *pt1, Point *pt2, Point *pt3)
// Check the given point are perpendicular to x or y axis
double yDelta_a= pt2->y() - pt1->y();
double xDelta_a= pt2->x() - pt1->x();
double yDelta_b= pt3->y() - pt2->y();
double xDelta_b= pt3->x() - pt2->x();

// TRACE(" yDelta_a: %f xDelta_a: %f \n",yDelta_a,xDelta_a);
// TRACE(" yDelta_b: %f xDelta_b: %f \n",yDelta_b,xDelta_b);

// checking whether the line of the two pts are vertical
if (fabs(xDelta_a) <= 0.000000001 && fabs(yDelta_b) <= 0.000000001){
TRACE("The points are pependicular and parallel to x-y axis\n");
return false;

if (fabs(yDelta_a) <= 0.0000001){
// TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to x-axis 1\n");
return true;
else if (fabs(yDelta_b) <= 0.0000001){
// TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to x-axis 2\n");
return true;
else if (fabs(xDelta_a)<= 0.000000001){
// TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to y-axis 1\n");
return true;
else if (fabs(xDelta_b)<= 0.000000001){
// TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to y-axis 2\n");
return true;
else return false ;

double Circle::CalcCircle(Point *pt1, Point *pt2, Point *pt3)
double yDelta_a= pt2->y() - pt1->y();
double xDelta_a= pt2->x() - pt1->x();
double yDelta_b= pt3->y() - pt2->y();
double xDelta_b= pt3->x() - pt2->x();

if (fabs(xDelta_a) <= 0.000000001 && fabs(yDelta_b) <= 0.000000001){
TRACE("Calc cirlce \n");
this->m_Center.m_x= 0.5*(pt2->x() + pt3->x());
this->m_Center.m_y= 0.5*(pt1->y() + pt2->y());
this->m_Center.m_z= pt1->z();
this->m_dRadius= length(&m_Center,pt1); // calc. radius
// TRACE(" Center: %f %f %f\n", m_Center.x(), m_Center.y(), m_Center.z());
// TRACE(" radius: %f %f %f\n", length(&m_Center,pt1), length(&m_Center,pt2),length(&m_Center,pt3));

return this->m_dRadius;

// IsPerpendicular() assure that xDelta(s) are not zero
double aSlope=yDelta_a/xDelta_a; //
double bSlope=yDelta_b/xDelta_b;
if (fabs(aSlope-bSlope) <= 0.000000001){ // checking whether the given points are colinear.
TRACE("The three pts are colinear\n");
return -1;

// calc center
this->m_Center.m_x= (aSlope*bSlope*(pt1->m_y - pt3->m_y) + bSlope*(pt1->m_x + pt2 ->m_x)
- aSlope*(pt2->m_x+pt3->m_x) )/(2* (bSlope-aSlope) );
this->m_Center.m_y = -1*(m_Center.x() - (pt1->x()+pt2->x())/2)/aSlope + (pt1->y()+pt2->y())/2;
this->m_Center.m_z= pt1->m_z;

this->m_dRadius= length(&m_Center,pt1); // calc. radius
// TRACE(" Center: %f %f %f\n", m_Center.x(), m_Center.y(), m_Center.z());
// TRACE(" radius: %f %f %f\n", length(&m_Center,pt1), length(&m_Center,pt2),length(&m_Center,pt3));
return this->m_dRadius;

Point* Circle::GetCenter()
return &this->m_Center;


double Circle::GetRadius()
return this->m_dRadius;

// Circle.h: interface for the Circle class.
// Circle class.
// Purpose : Represent the circle object
// Input : 3 different points
// Process : Calcuate the radius and center
// Output : Circle
// This class originally designed for representation of discretized curvature information
// of sequential pointlist
// KJIST CAD/CAM Ryu, Jae Hun ( ryu@geguri.kjist.ac.kr)
// Last update : 1999. 7. 4
#if !defined(AFX_CIRCLE_H__1EC15131_4038_11D3_8404_00C04FCC7989__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_CIRCLE_H__1EC15131_4038_11D3_8404_00C04FCC7989__INCLUDED_

#include "Point.h" // Added by ClassView
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

class Circle
double GetRadius();
Point* GetCenter();
Circle(Point *p1, Point *p2, Point *p3); // p1, p2, p3 are co-planar
virtual ~Circle();

double CalcCircle(Point *pt1, Point *pt2, Point *pt3);
bool IsPerpendicular(Point *pt1, Point *pt2, Point *pt3);
double m_dRadius;
Point m_Center;

#endif // !defined(AFX_CIRCLE_H__1EC15131_4038_11D3_8404_00C04FCC7989__INCLUDED_)

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